Activity Manager

Activities that
Run Smoothly

Cambree Community

Activity Manager

Each Cambree Community has an Activity Manager who is responsible for orchestrating all the events, speeches, clubs, parties, and other activities. They are supported by Activity Coordinators who help ensure each activity runs smoothly. 

Cambree Activity Staff

Hospitality & Senior Care

Our Activities staff has a background in both hospitality and senior care so they know how to make events fun, interesting, and empowering. Whether it’s a yoga class or Poker Tournament, they are on-site each day to make living in a Cambree Community everything you’d expect in a luxury resort-like environment. 

Residence Suggestions

Planning Activities

Our team will listen to suggestions from residents to plan activities that suit them. They will also help coordinate off-site activities that expand both the mind and senses of our residents. From trips to nearby tourist attractions, live stage performances, and more, they will make sure you live your best life.

Cambree Living – Stay Informed

Stay informed of the latest senior living community news with our monthly Cambree senior living newsletters.  Learn about new communities, programs, and events.